Way back in March of 2020, we announced our selection as a winner of All Children Reading: A Grand Challenge for Development’s (ACR GCD) Begin With Books prize. The challenge was to create cost-effective, accessible children’s books in languages that children use and understand. We proposed to bring expertise and our innovative Bloom software to a country that is new for SIL LEAD as an organization—Mali!

And then we did…

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The Cancer Patient's Mite

The Cancer Patient's Mite

You’ve probably seen this picture before, but did you know that the woman in the photograph is named Florence Owens Thompson? She was thirty-two at the time Dorthea Lange took her picture, and a widowed mother of seven children. Thompson told Lange that she had been living on frozen vegetables from the surrounding fields, as well as birds that her children had killed. Dorthea Lange’s portrait of the “Migrant Mother” has come to be one of the most iconic images in American history. It helped galvanize the American public during the Great Depression. It drew people together, and is part of the reason why Americans came to remember that era as a time when the community gathered to help those in need…

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